Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Connecting and Ascending

 Over the past nine weeks, we have begun to traverse the “Ladder” towards excellence. Teachers have learned a great deal about their students’ likes, dislikes, strengths, and challenges. They have begun to connect and partner with students for the educational journey ahead. Likewise, students have learned a great deal about their teachers. They have identified who they are comfortable relying upon, going to for help, and trusting as they take academic risks amongst their peers. Connections have been established, and are still being developed, that will support our goal of every student and adult advancing up the “Ladder to Excellence” this year.

A foundational component to our success will be our attention to the social emotional needs that we all have. We must first recognize those needs and how they manifest in this diverse population that is Jouett. We must then work together utilizing every possible resource (research, parents, counselors, teachers, students, and other professionals) to address them.

The second nine weeks at Jouett will continue the proactive social emotional work that began in the first marking period. We will continue to empower students to take ownership of their learning and create the school culture that they desire. The following are ways in which we plan to do this:

Continued work with Freddy Jackson and his message of “Love: No Ego,” choosing love over ego. Working with students to make better choices in every aspect of their lives.

Continued weekly professional development to reach every student.
 Momentum: Differentiated grade-level appropriate lessons to increase empathy, build senses of self, understand appropriate interactions, and build capacities to intervene as bystanders of bullying.

“Not every kid has the same experiences,
           But every kid wants to be….
                                    - Jeff Veal

~Jouett Leadership